The Cuban Conflict Observatory (Spanish: OCC) released its monthly report on monitored public protest demonstrations in Cuba during April 2021. For the first time, public demonstrations of protest exceeded two hundred: 203. That amounts to 6 protests per day, compared...
The immoral lie of Raul Castro

The immoral lie of Raul Castro

During his recent speech before the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party, Raúl Castro described as immoral what he called “a campaign against the international medical cooperation provided by Cuba.” He thus referred to the efforts to unmask the dark...
8th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party: A Circus without Bread

8th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party: A Circus without Bread

Cuba has been left poorer and more unequal and repressive in these 62 years than when it was first abducted by the conspiratorial clique around Fidel, Raúl and Che Guevara. The previous dictatorships were political. This one covers all social fields. Before, we...
We Are One!

We Are One!

After 62 years, Cuba is today a poorer and a more unequal and repressive society. The 8th Congress of the PCC is going to be held in a country in which that party and its government no longer command, but obey a tiny mafia group that controls the main economic...
COVID-19 in Cuba: falsehoods and propaganda

COVID-19 in Cuba: falsehoods and propaganda

Once again the Cuban authorities resort to the old practice of falsifying statistics and/or hiding information about epidemic outbreaks: this time they’re doing it around the losses to Covid-19 on the island The Cuban-news outlet Diario de Cuba reports that,...
Where do the dollars go? To their pockets and to finance repression

Where do the dollars go? To their pockets and to finance repression

A resident of the Mayabeque province, south of Havana, Twitter name @PedroPerezCuban, recently regretted the lack of basic foods such as chicken, milk, cheese and coffee, even in the new stores created by the government to collect convertible currency. He concluded by...

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