The coronavirus in Cuba and the policy of silence

The coronavirus in Cuba and the policy of silence

The main danger in Cuba with coronavirus is the policy of epidemiological secrecy Last week CNN reported the death in China of Dr. Li Wenliang.  This physician, who tried to warn the public about the emergence of the Wuhan coronavirus, in the end succumbed himself to...
Cuba and the normalcy of barbarianism

Cuba and the normalcy of barbarianism

In Old Havana three girls were crushed by a fallen balcony, and no one feels responsible. In any civilized country around the world, the deaths of three young girls are scrutinized with a magnifying glass by the institutions responsible for preserving social welfare. ...
Land state monopoly, forced evictions, and abandonment

Land state monopoly, forced evictions, and abandonment

After criticizing the private monopoly on estate and lands and the evictions of squatters by the Rural Guard during the republican era, the communist authorities now monopolize all lands and estates. Now the government uses police and officials to evict families and...
Long sentences and desecrated icons

Long sentences and desecrated icons

Last week the Cuban regime announced a State attorney’s recommended sentence of nine years in prison, which it will use to get rid for a while of the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), the largest opposition organization inside the country. It is known...
Cuba’s  financial and symbolic capital are both in crisis

Cuba’s financial and symbolic capital are both in crisis

Analysts of the Cuban conundrum pay a lot of attention to the economic and financial crisis that already plagues the country and tends to worsen. No doubt this is of utmost importance. But the power elite faces a parallel crisis that also puts them in great danger...
Iran, Soleimani and Cubazuela

Iran, Soleimani and Cubazuela

What is behind and following the “assassination” of the Iranian general by the US? A problem cannot be solved if it is not first understood. We need to understand that from the ashes of the Cold War a new coalition emerged, made up by the enemies of open...

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