Connectify: Helping to Connect Cuba by Spreading Access

Connectify: Helping to Connect Cuba by Spreading Access

The Connect Cuba campaign supports initiatives like Connectify’s Viva Hotspot to expand Internet access to the Cuban people. We are grateful that they have offered to provide their service to Cubans free of charge for the next 3 months and we hope that the Cuban...
Ladies in White Publish August 2015 Report

Ladies in White Publish August 2015 Report

REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2015LADIES IN WHITE MOVEMENTAugust 2, 2015:March 647 on Saturday August 1 began with the besieging of the homes of Ladies in White members, 6 were arrested before mass at Santa Rita Church of Cascia Miramar Beach, 52 attended mass, then...
First Hand Repression Account by a Cuban Human Rights Activist

First Hand Repression Account by a Cuban Human Rights Activist

Sunday August 16, 2015Movimiento Opositores por una Nueva Republica.Movimiento Democracia,Todos Somos Resistencia Orlando Zapata Tamayo.This Sunday 16 August repression continued unabated. Beatings, arrests, insults and acts of repudiation against the Ladies in White...

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