Vice Motherboard Follows “The Internet Dealers of Cuba”

Vice Motherboard Follows “The Internet Dealers of Cuba”

The first few paragraphs of last week’s Vice Motherboard article on accessing Cuba’s elusive internet access paints a very real and fascinating picture of the difficulties in getting connected and informed on the island…My eyes are scanning the...
Carmen Pelaez for Connect Cuba

Carmen Pelaez for Connect Cuba

Presenting Carmen Pelaez for Connect Cuba. According to Carmen “you cannot be a citizen of the 21st century without having uncensored internet access…”To see what you can do to help “Connect Cuba” today, please click here.
Cubans: Natural Hacker’s with Tied-up Hands

Cubans: Natural Hacker’s with Tied-up Hands

The Cuban populace has had connectivity issues with the 35 new Wi-Fi hotspots on the Island. Cuban state run journal Granma released an article on July 28th describing how the Cuban people are having a problematic time accessing these hotspots through their mobile...
Jordi Vilasuso for Connect Cuba

Jordi Vilasuso for Connect Cuba

According to award winning Cuban American actor  Jordi Vilasuso “as an artist I know how valuable the freedom of expression is.” If you agree, please visit the Connect Cuba homepage today and see what you can do to help give this freedom to the Cuban...

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