Underground network administrators offer to “Connect Cuba”

Underground network administrators offer to “Connect Cuba”

According to the recent CubaNet article, the “new measures and thawing of relations between the governments of Cuba and the United States have planted hope among young Cubans.” As a matter of fact some are now arguing even “in the short term Cubans...

FHRC releases names of key political prisoners in Cuba.

Majority of political prisoners on FHRC’s list released…several with conditions.Many prisoners of conscience remain incarcerated, denied basic human rights.Miami, FL – The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) can now confirm the release of the following...
Senator Marco Rubio Delivers Floor Speech on Cuba & Venezuela

Senator Marco Rubio Delivers Floor Speech on Cuba & Venezuela

Earlier this week, following U.S. Senator Tom Harkin’s talk praising Cuba upon returning from his recent trip there, with no mention of the multiple human rights violations and constant oppression inflicted on the Cuban people by a totalitarian regime, Senator...
Cuba Democracy Program must be preserved

Cuba Democracy Program must be preserved

Below is a letter published in this weekend’s Miami Herald by FHRC Board Member Jorge Mas Santos. In the letter, Mr. Santos not only provides insight into the genesis of the Cuba Democracy program but also an ideal platform for discussion on why the program should not...

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