How can we Help Cuban Educators?

There is no denying that the equality of Cuban Education is a hot debate. However, what should be equally recognized and debated is the deficit of Cuban Educators. The student population is lowered due to opportunities for education being taken away by the Cuban Government for those who hold differing viewpoints.  There is no such oppression on Cuban Teachers, so why is their population so low, and what can be done to Help Cuban Educators?Help Cuban Educators

A common reason that the numbers of teachers in Cuba is so low, is that becoming  teacher in Cuba is not a desirable position.  Cuban educators are often overworked and under compensated for this work. Teachers in Cuba are within the Middle wage bracket in Cuba, yet it is not enough money to live off of.

The bottom line, is that no one in Cuba is motivated to become a teacher, because they are undervalued by the Government. How can people be expected to aspire to a job where they know they are never going to be appreciated or compensated for their hard work? Most people can’t and that is a large contributing factor to why there is a shortage of educators in Cuba.

A good way to help Cuban educators, is to support organization that are working towards positive social change in Cuba. Especially organizations that aim to help improve education. One such organization is the Foundation For Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC).  The mission of this organization is to “ promote a nonviolent transition to a free and democratic Cuba with zero tolerance for human rights violations”.

The FHRC is making strives to help improve Cuban Education. One of their main campaigns for this cause is the “Somos Un Solo Pueblo” program.  Through this program the FHRC collaborates with a college in Miami called Miami Dade College (MDC). Through this program Cuban students are offered educational opportunities that are currently unavailable to them in Cuba.

Help Cuban Educators | Help Cuban Teachers


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