Yesterday, Google announced that “Google Chrome is now available for download in Cuba.”
According to the statement from Google, “we’re happy to say that Internet users in Cuba can now use Chrome too, and browse the web faster and more safely than they could before.”
The web link that the very few Cubans with Internet access can use to download Chrome is as follows:
Cuba still remains a country with the lowest Internet penetration rates in the Western Hemisphere. In addition, there is a serious lack of technology on the island for Cuban civil society to utilize in their efforts to become more connected and share their stories with the outside world and each other.
The Connect Cuba campaign’s mission is to empower Cuban civil society with open, uncensored access to the Internet and the ability to communicate freely with each other and the world.
Since the launch of this global awareness campaign, important steps such as Google’s have been taken, but we need to continue increasing our support of the effort to expand access to information inside Cuba along with the tools necessary for Cuban civil society to be empowered by complete, open, and uncensored access to the World Wide Web.
For more information on how you can help to #ConnectCuba, please visit