Learn How to Help Cuba

Are you interested in learning how to help Cuba? Do you realize that there are major problems facing the Cuban people and would like to help make a change but are not sure where to begin? Partnering with The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) is a great place to start! FHRC has been initiating change in Cuba for several years and works both inside and outside of the country. Our focus is on supporting Cuban organizations that are peacefully working to advance human rights in Cuba. We do this by partnering with organizations that have proven themselves as willing and passionate to fight for just causes. Our support comes in the form of supplies, money and helping these groups raise awareness in and outside of Cuba.human rights

As we have worked with our partners we have learned more and more about how to help Cuba. Beyond our support of our allies in the country, we strive to continually raise awareness about human rights issues affecting Cubans by spreading educational information across populations. Our work also involves obtaining grants and other financial support for our Cuban allies and to help support our projects. FHRC also invests our time, money and energy into creative initiatives like our current campaign, “Connect Cuba.”

How to Help Cuba Now!

Wondering how to help Cuba? An easy way is to get involved with this current campaign from The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba. Our goal is to obtain as many signatures as possible for our online petition which will be presented to major world governing authorities for their support in hopes of pressuring the Cuban government to change its policies concerning the freedom of internet for its people. Currently, Cuba is one of the most restricted countries in the world when it comes to internet access and those who are able to use the internet are constantly censored by the governing authorities. This lack of freedom needs to be stopped. You can help Cubans by getting involved. Sign the petition or support the campaign financially by donating here. There is also some fantastic merchandise you can pick up from the site and proceeds will go towards this great cause. Please consider what you can do to help Cuba today!

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