Connect Cuba


 Building the future here and now


Cuba would become an information society and will be part of the global economy of the XXI Century.


 To serve as a window to the outside world so that Cubans could enjoy more autonomy and improve their life through a quality conection to the Internet.


1- Educating Cubans on how Internet access will contribute to their prosperity and growth as individuals and as a nation

2- Taking offline actions (such as sending digital content in flash memories) and online initiatives to connect Cuban

✓ Learners with online educational platforms.

✓ Innovators with all available knowledge and expertise in their field of expertise.

✓ Entrepreneurs to new technologies relevant for the development of their businesses

✓ Professionals to a global labor market that may hire their skills while working from home

3- Promoting technical and policy solutions to connect all Cuban citizens to the World Wide Web


  • The Package: Flash memories with useful digital content sent to Cubans in the island.
  • Connect a Cuban: Donations of hardware and software to Cubans in the island.
  • Transnational Cuba: Facilitating Cubans to study at distance and outsource their professional services from the island.
  • Cuba 3.0 conferences and competitions for Cuban change-makers. to imagine creative solutions to present social and economic challenges faced by Cuban society.


ConnectCuba – Bringing the Internet to Cuba

Cuba Needs Your Help

Tell Your Friends!

Tell the world about the suffering of Cuban families who can’t enjoy the freedom, social, and educational opportunities offered by the open Internet. The island of the disconnected needs our help to become part of our world, so we can become part of theirs. By spreading the word about our cause you can help protect the Cuban people’s right to freedom of expression, a basic human right we should all enjoy.


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