September 19, 2024
FHRC Commends European Parliament’s Recognition of Venezuelan Opposition Leader and Condemns Cuba’s Role in Sustaining Maduro’s Regime
Miami, Florida (September 19, 2024)  – Today, the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba released the following statement from President and Founder Tony Costa regarding the European Parliament’s recognition of Edmundo Gonzalez as the legitimate winner of the Venezuelan Presidential election and denouncing Cuba’s involvement in the Maduro Regime:
“The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) strongly applauds the European Parliament for its resolution recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González as the legitimate president of Venezuela. The resolution, passed with 309 votes in favor, 201 against, and 12 abstentions, reaffirms the international community’s commitment to supporting democracy and human rights in Venezuela. FHRC stands with the Venezuelan people in their fight for freedom and self-determination, marking this vote as a crucial step forward.
“Despite widespread protests and international condemnation, Nicolás Maduro clings to power, bolstered by Cuba’s support. This alliance, known as Cubazuela, involves Cuban military and intelligence advisors embedded within Venezuela’s institutions, helping Maduro suppress dissent and manipulate elections. As outlined in FHRC’s report, CUBAZUELA: Cuban Intervention in Venezuela, Cuba’s role has been pivotal in sustaining Maduro’s authoritarian rule, exacerbating the Venezuelan crisis. Additionally, Cuban doctors in Venezuela have been coerced into using healthcare as a political tool, according to a New York Times investigation. These doctors were instructed to withhold medical services from opposition supporters to manipulate votes for Maduro.
“Cuba’s involvement is not isolated but part of a larger international support system that includes Russia, China, and Iran. As reported by The Washington Post, Cuba’s intelligence and military presence is crucial in helping Maduro maintain control over Venezuela’s resources and political apparatus. This partnership allows Maduro to further his repression, with Cuba leading efforts to advise and support the Venezuelan security forces. By aligning with these foreign powers, Maduro’s regime has become even more insulated from democratic pressure, prolonging the suffering of the Venezuelan people.
“FHRC condemns this exploitation and calls for increased international pressure. While the European Parliament’s recognition of Edmundo González as the elected President is significant, FHRC urges EU member states to follow this path by adopting stronger policies against Maduro’s regime and its Cuban supporters. FHRC also calls on the United States to join its European allies in recognizing Edmundo González as the president-elect of Venezuela. A united international front is critical in isolating the Maduro regime and restoring Venezuela’s democracy.
“The Maduro regime, with Cuba’s backing, has dismantled Venezuela’s democracy. It’s essential that the global community stands with the Venezuelan people to restore democracy and human dignity.”
About the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC)
The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that was established in 1992 to promote a nonviolent transition to a democratic Cuba. The FHRC’s mission is to empower Cuban civil society to build a durable democracy that is free of human rights violations.

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