MIAMI – The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba expresses its deep concern over Russia’s coordination with the Cuban government to involve Cubans in the conflict against Ukraine. Numerous testimonies from Cubans provide undeniable proof of Cuba’s engagement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Despite Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, refuting such allegations, accumulating evidence suggests a significant Cuban connection to the ongoing conflict. Cuba’s history of supporting Russia in global conflicts, such as in Angola and Ethiopia, is well-known, and the situation in Ukraine seems to be along the same lines.
In the past year, multiple occurrences have underscored Cuba’s alignment with Russia’s position on Ukraine. Notably, in 2023, Cuba undertook decisive actions, including obstructing Ukraine’s involvement in the EU-CELAC Summit and conducting defense dialogues with Russian authorities in Moscow. Cuba also consistently resisted resolutions condemning Russia at major international forums, including the World Health Organization and the UN General Assembly. Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel vocalized his “unconditional support” for Russia. Furthermore, in 2022, Cuba stood alongside a minority of nations that endorsed Russia’s claim over territories it seized in Ukraine.
Beyond isolated incidents, the depth of Cuba’s ties with Russia is unmistakably evident. Across the Western Hemisphere and in Africa, Cuban media outlets disseminate Russian propaganda, endorsing Putin’s strategies. The Cuban regime maintains a tight grip on dissent, leading to the arrest of citizens who challenge the government’s pro-Russian stance. Their proactive involvement in Russian-initiated military drills in nations such as Venezuela and Iran underscore this strategic alignment.
Recent discoveries shed further light on this deepening relationship. A pivotal meeting transpired between Valery Revenko, an eminent Belarusian defense minister, and the Cuban military attaché, Colonel Mónica Milian Gómez. This dialogue occurred shortly after Nikolai Patrushev’s tour of Cuba in March, emphasizing the intensifying rapport between Moscow and Havana.
By May 2023, emerging reports indicated that Cuban military forces were undergoing training in Belarus—this was well before revelations of Cuban presence in the conflict zones were known. Currently, there is numerous footage and accounts of Cubans in Ukraine aiding Russian forces in warfare. Some find themselves in dire predicaments like human trafficking. Concurrently, emotional appeals from concerned families are flooding social media, beseeching their loved ones to abandon their assignments.
In view of this overwhelming evidence, the Human Rights Foundation in Cuba exhorts international leaders and entities to meticulously scrutinize Cuba’s assertions. The amassed data underscores Cuba’s robust endorsement of Russian belligerence against Ukraine, pointing to a deeper alliance than is openly acknowledged.



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Maite Luna

(786) 270-6645

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