MIAMI (January 24, 2019) In relation to the events in Venezuela and the recent terrorist attack in Colombia, the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC) states the following:
- FHRC respectfully proposes to the new Venezuelan transitional government to demand the unconditional, complete and immediate withdrawal of all Cuban security, military and intelligence advisors from Venezuelan territory.It is a diversion to speak of a possible foreign intervention in Venezuela when the only intervention and interference that has existed for decades is of Cuban origin. It is Havana that maintains intelligence teams in charge of monitoring Venezuelan officials or advising on how to repress and control the population. The real “solidarity” link between the Cuban military elite and the Nicolás Maduro clique is drug trafficking, with FARC, ELN, Hezbollah, and the Mexican cartels as partners. That is what they defend in Caracas and what they are ready to sacrifice Venezuelan lives for.Cuban neocolonial exploitation of Venezuela – and the submission of the current rulers in that country – is the true cause of the famine, exodus, crimes and human rights violations of the last two decades.
- FHRC proposes to the United States government to immediately return Cuba to the list of countries that protect and collaborate with terrorism.
The urgency of this proposal is related on the one hand to the complicity of the Cuban regime with the current planning and supervision of the brutal repression in Venezuela, and on the other with its refusal to hand over to Colombian justice the members of the ELN who are accomplices or co-authors of some of the most horrible terrorist attacks carried out by this narco-guerrilla group.
The regional center of the cancerous tumor is in Havana, although its metastasis continues to reach Caracas, Managua and La Paz.
January 24, 2019