As published in Diario de Cuba, “the artist Tania Bruguera is organizing an uninterrupted reading and collective discussion of the book The Origins of Totalitarianism, from the German thinker, of Jewish background, Hannah Arendt, according to the platform # YoTambiénExijo in a press release.”
The article goes on to mention that “the performance will be held this May 20th, the anniversary of the Republic of Cuba, and will be the first action of the International Institute of Artivism Hannah Arendt.”
“The International Institute of Artivism, given the current crisis of representation in art and activism’s aspiration to be effective in society, aims to provide a platform from which can be carried out research on the theoretical and practical for a socially engaged art and for a particular political moment,” read the statement.
“Whoever wishes to participate as a reader / this May 20th, can arrive at any time of the day or night to the headquarters of the insitute, located on Tejadillo Street, 214, and / Aguacate and Compostela, Habana Vieja. You can also get in touch via telephone: + 53-2720282 or email with the subject: “Participation. International Institute of Artivism.”
To read the full article, Spanish, click here.