In an interview with CubaNet, Laritza Diversent, lawyer and director of the Center for Legal Information Cubalex, declared that the organization is “an office that specializes in human rights issues, focusing on national law and the conventions of international law to which Cuba supposedly protects. We try to document violations of human rights, but our core business is to provide free legal advice to citizens.”

In addition, she mentions that “the legal advice is due to the lack of knowledge citizens have regarding rights based on disparate issues, topics as diverse as housing, criminal, immigration procedures, ultimately dissimilar themes which we face daily. Always in legal terms.”

Diversent was a member of the delegation sent to the VII Summit of the Americas in Panama by the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba (FHRC), where she was one of two Cuban opposition members, Manuel Cuesta Morúa was the other, who met face to face with the U.S. President Barack Obama, along with the Presidents of Uruguay and Costa Rica.

To read the full article (Spanish), click here.

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