The Mission of a Cuban Social Change Organization

The Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba is a Cuban social change organization that is working, on a daily basis, to empower the Cuban people in their quest for a democratic society, in which there are no violations of human rights. Under the current system in Cuba, citizens are frequently punished for voicing opinions on their lack of freedom. Many activists, no matter how nonviolent their protests, are thrown into prison every year, excommunicated from their country, separated from their families, beaten or otherwise threatened by their authorities.

Cuban social organizations feel that the Cuban people deserve better than this and are fighting to make a change. Our mission embodies itself differently at various times but the goal is always the same. If you are interested in being a force for good in this world, joining with this Cuban social change organization could be your place to start.

How You can Make a Differencecuban social change organization

Much of what the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba does is raise awareness of human rights violations occurring in Cuba. Simply by reading this blog and becoming informed about these injustices, you are making our goals all the more realistic. The more people who become aware of these issues, the more chance there is for them to make a difference. You can spread the word about the work we do via your social networking sites. A particular campaign, in which this act would be especially helpful, is our Connect Cuba campaign.

We are also continually raising financial support from people all over the world who would like to help make Cuba a more peaceful place. You could choose to give to the Connect Cuba campaign and empower Cubans to obtain freedom of expression using the Internet. You could give to our newly founded study program for Cubans in Florida and help equip a future leader. You could choose to give to one of many of the Cuban social change organizations we are partnered with who are daily providing goods, services, information and hope to the Cuban people. No matter the particular cause you may choose, you can be sure that any money given to the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba is going towards our mission.

To learn more about ways in which you can partner with this effective Cuban social change organization, we encourage you to browse our site and become informed about our various initiatives. You can also feel free to contact us. We look forward to your partnership and thank you for your desire to do good.

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